9 results for search: pet

How to choose a Guinea Pig’s House

It is important that you guinea pig's housing gives plenty of room for their needs including eating, sleeping and space to play and exercise. We have put together this housing guide to help you work out the best housing for your guinea pigs. Guinea pigs can be kept indoors or outdoors but you need to ensure you have the right environment for them whichever you choose. There may be certain aspects about your situation (such as your own home, garden area, existing pets or potential outdoor animal predators) that will decide this for you. Guinea Pig Cage Size If you are new to guinea pigs, you need to be sure that you are buying the right sized ...

Can a guinea pig eat bananas?

Yes, a guinea pig can eat banana but should (like other fruit) only be given in very small quantities and a couple of times a week. Just a small piece of banana each time is plenty (a cm wide). Sugar can contribute to a guinea pig becoming obese which can lead to health problems and guinea pigs are actually much better without this in their diet. they don’t seem to crave sugary foods like we often do. Make sure they have constant access to hay. They should also have guinea pig pellets daily and fresh vegetables.  

What dog training should every dog be given besides being trained to sit on command?

5 Essential Commands that Give You Total Control Training is a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Get the basics right and you’ll have total control of the dog no matter what the situation. 1. Sit Teach a hurricane proof “Sit” and put an end to jumping up. Take a treat and hold it level with your dog’s nose Raise the treat over and behind his head, as he follows it his butt will sink to the floor The instant his bottom hits the ground say “Sit” and give him the treat Repeat until the dog “sits” for the command only. 2. Stay Teaching a dog to stay, can stop him running into the road. ...


どんな所から手に入れられるの? モルモットを飼うと決めたらどこで手に入れるのか最初に思い浮かぶのはペットショップではないでしょうか。 他にも入手方法としては、インターネットで生体を通信販売をしているショップから購入する、モルモットを飼っている方から譲ってもらう、動物愛護支援団体(シェルター)等から里親として迎えるなどがあります。 モルモットの入所元としては以下のようなところがあります。 □ ペットショップ □ 最寄りの大学の農獣医の学...


モルモットの品種 モルモットの品種とバリーエーションは、毛の長さと毛質およびつむじによる分類、毛色で分けるカラーバリエーションでの分類があります。 さらに、毛の色は単色(セルフ)と複数色(ノンセルフ)に分けられます。複数色の色は国内では主に3色であり、まれに4色の個体を見ます。 これら品種とカラーバリエーションを組み合わせることで100種類を超えるモルモットの分類ができます。 イングリッシュ  イングリッシュモルモットは一般的に普及しており...


特徴 大きさ モルモットは大きな頭と胴長で短い足が特徴の動物です。 先にも書きましたが体調は20㎝~40㎝の小型で体重は0.5㎏~1.5㎏くらいの大きさで、うさぎよりは小さくハムスターよりは大きな体です。   これからの普及に期待 ペットショップでは小動物の仲間で見かけますが、日本ではモルモット=実験動物のイメージが強いと思われ他の国に比べてあまり飼われていないようで、売り場でもあまり多くは見かけません。モルモットの書籍や用品も多くはありません。 ...


原種からモルモットへ 故郷は南米で主にペルー南部、チリ北部、アルゼンチン北部、ボリビア南部の山岳地帯に生息していました。 モルモットの原種 原種はげっ歯目テンジクネズミ科の説がありますがまだ特定できておりません。 基本的には夜行性で、山岳地帯の高地で低い木や草のはえた土地に掘った巣穴の中や谷間などで5~10匹の群れをなし生活していたと言われています。 当時は体が小さく頭が大きい、鼻はとがっており目も耳も大きく、可愛いとは言い難い姿です。 原...

What are the differences between guinea pigs and hamsters?

Guinea pigs come from grassy areas of Peru, hamsters from desert areas in Syria. Guinea pigs are awake on and off throughout the 24 hours, hamsters are nocturnal. Guinea pigs can be kept outside in wooden hutches, hamsters have to be in a metal cage indoors (or they will just chew their way straight out and disappear). Guinea pigs squeak and tweep, hamsters don’t make any sound that I’ve ever heard (being a small, nocturnal desert animal that squeaks might not be a survival characteristic). Guinea pigs can be allowed to roam around in the garden, hamsters will be off in seconds. Guinea pigs can be treated as semi-domestic, ...

What can hamsters eat besides hamster food?

FRUITS Apple (seedless) Banana Blackberries Blueberries Cantaloupe. Cherries Cranberries Grapes(seedless) Lychee Mango Melon Peaches (no stone) Plums (no pits) Raspberries Raspberry Leaves (helpful for diarrhea) Strawberries VEGGIES Asparagus Bean Sprouts Bok Choy Broccoli Cabbage (Limited amounts) Carrots Cauliflower Celery Chard Chestnuts Chickweed Chicory Clover Corn on the Cob Cucumbers Dandelion Leaves Endive Green Beans Kale Parsnips Peas Radicchio Romaine Lettuce Spinach Squash Sweet Potatoes Sweet bell Peppers Swiss Chard Turnip Water Chestnuts Water Cress Zucchini MEATS AND PROTEINS ...